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Saturday, January 1, 2011

I didnt even get over the first day,, or did I??

I have already blogged here today but I had to come back and and say how the rest of my day went. It hasn't been as good as I had hoped. it all went a bit tits up (excuse the expression) after I took some pain medication for my back. It nearly tore the stomach out of me, I got really nauseous and I ended vomiting after I began to drink my water. I had a really sour stomach and I was just so ill. After a while I was absolutely STARVING and I I had to get something in my stomach and fast.. so I had FIVE Weetabix. With full fat milk. It kind of settled my stomach but then I got the heart burn.. really bad. I took some Gaviscon and eventually it went. But then I had to go and have a packet of crisps and some whole nut chocolate... ???? WHY?? WHY can I NOT stop putting crap  in my mouth? If I totted up my calories for the day I don't know how much I have consumed or whatever, but because my day was not structured, I don't feel like it was a success. So what am I going to do? I am going to start again tomorrow, and even if my scales reads ONE lb down next Saturday? I will have won this round. So No, I am not giving in, I am only getting started!!

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